Entries open for Lufra Regularity Hillclimb 2016

The Lufra to Lookout Regularity Hillclimb will be held for the second time on Saturday, 20th August 2016.

Supplementary Regulations

Flyer for classic car owners

Entry form

We hope to see you there!

We are seeking people to assist with the event as officials. All officials will go into a draw to win a nights accommodation for two at Lufra, and dinner with wine to the value of $100.

Lufra officials flyer

Domain Hillclimb 2015 Results

Click here for the results

Thanks everybody who took part in this event, which seemed to benefit to a degree from the later date in that it wasn’t wet, but it did get a trifle windy in the afternoon.

It was great to see a number of people turn up early to help us with setup, particularly the bunting and straw bales, tasks which do take a significant amount of time. We also thank all competitors for chipping in with packup at the end of the day.

Special thanks to David Watson of Ambulance Private who provided generous sponsorship, and who has been a key supporter of the club over many years.

Entries open for Domain Hillclimb 2015

Entries are now open for the Domain Hillclimb.

Please note the date of Saturday October 17th – from now on the Domain will always be on or around this date due to the introduction of the Lufra to Lookout Hillclimb which will run in late August.

Entry Form

Supplementary Regulations

Looking forward to seeing you there! If always, if you can assist in any way on the day, then please let us know via email or our Facebook page